Featured Projects

Yul Painting

A synergetic success story

YUL Painting understood that its success depended on many factors: its rebranding, an optimized landing page and an adaptive marketing campaign. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, this company prospered and their advertisements ranked higher than its competitor.

CreativOwl mascot juggling


Thousand impressions



Optimization Score

YUL Painting CreativOwl

A landing page optimized for user behaviour was a key factor in YUL Painting’s success. There is no substitute for a well-design funnel to convert potential leads to paying customers.

Despite the ups and downs of the market, YUL Painting not only survived the pandemic, but thrived. Despite a limited budget in a tight economy, proper optimization and sound business direction took this start up to a whole new direction. CreativOwl is honoured to be part of this journey.

CreativOwl Ads

websites we are proud of

Featured E-Commerce Project

Touchland Canada:
Being part of the hand hygiene revolution

Touchland Canada is a multipage e-commerce website that are selling high-end sanitization products to both English and French Speaking clients.

We understand the market. Which is why in the language selection tab, we added the flag of Québec to pay homage to Quégecers and their love for the French language, as well as maximize Touchland’s positive impact on their customers.

CreativOwl Touchland Project
CreativOwl IML project

Institute of modern languages, university of dhaka

Mobile friendly, multipage bilingual website with interactive journals.

Abdul Ali Shebashram CreativOwl

Abdul Ali Old age home & Orphanage

Mobile friendly, multipage website with downloadable content.

But a website is not enough!

CreativOwl wearing monocle

Brand Matters

“First impressions never have a second chance”

your brand tells the most important story!


Logos we are proud of

IML logo CreativOwl

Integrating 2 elements

For a revolutionary organization like Abdul Ali Old Age Home & Orphanage, we integrated both elements to celebrate the contrast of the old and the new.

YUL Painting CreativOwl

Minimalist Communication

The brand of a painting company needs to communicate what it does with ease. That’s why YUL Painting’s brand vision adopted the paint swatch.

Prium SRO Logo CreativOwl

Manifesting Style

Prium SRO is a Czech startup with ambitious plans in the clothing industry. A bold company with grand visions requires a brand that fits its ambitions.

Mixing Identities

IML is a Bangladeshi institute to learn modern languages. So we amalgamated the core Bengali identity and the English lingua franca status in on one logo

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Creative journey!

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